I had harboured a desire for many years to work for myself rather than working all hours just to make someone else rich. The point is that for a long while I did not do much about changing my circumstances, I tried my hand in my spare time at window cleaning, buying and selling household goods through house parties, but neither of these schemes was going to make me rich or even replace my day job.
I researched many different work from home jobs, but most like envelope addressing were not going to create a decent income either. Then I took a long hard look at taking out a franchise, but to be honest they nearly always require a huge financial investment and I could not see how we could make it work. We needed something that was going to require relatively low or even no money to get started, and it was then that we hit upon companies such as Amway, Forever Living, Kleeneze etc
One in particular seemed very appealing.... Kleeneze. From the outside it appeared to be a relatively easy way to make an extra spare time income and did not require a huge financial outlay to get started. However at this point in time (2004) we made the mistake of thinking that it was just a "catalogue thing", this misconception was in part due to having recently placed an order from the Kleeneze catalogue that dropped through our letter box, and to have it delivered by a very scruffy guy with a kids pushchair complete with child and half a dozen order bags hanging from the handles. Now we know that you should never judge a book by looking at the cover, but we did, and decided that judging by this distributor whilst Kleeneze might make us a few bob, it would not make us rich. So it was back to the day job, monotony, and making someone else rich while we struggled by.
The important point to mention here is that because of this experience with a local distributor we stopped looking into the opportunity and therefore did not see the "big picture"
Another two years went by working the day job, until once again the need to find something different, something to change our lives became very important to us, and once again I started to surf the internet looking for idea's. One evening I happened by chance on a link to the Kleeneze company website, and filled in my contact details expressing an interest in finding out more about the opportunity. About 2 weeks went by and then one evening I received a phone call from a Kleeneze distributor who had a brief chat with me and then emailed me some information. It was then that I saw the "circles" for the first time, and I realised that this very simple concept could not only make us an extra income but could, given time, replace our jobs. I had seen the big picture and could not wait to get started, and was ready to join when the guy phoned me back later that evening. This was September 2006, and we have not looked back since.
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