Thursday, 31 March 2011

Kleeneze v A Job - Pro's & Con's

If you are working in the traditional job world for a Boss, you are on what is known as the 45 year plan. You are trading your time for a linear income which for the average person will be about £25k per year, and you have to work a year to get it. Once you have paid income tax, national insurance etc you get what is left which is about £18k per year which is less than £400 per week. So on the 45 year plan you will typically have earned (at £18k per year) just over £800,000 in your working lifetime and then you have to retire at age 65 and most likely have nothing to show for it. I heard a saying once that backs this up: 95% of people at age 65 are either dead or dead broke.

So the 45 year plan (A Job) has rewarded you over the years with 4 - 6 weeks holiday each year, a gold watch when you retire? if you are lucky, and a state pension of £97.65 per week. A fair exchange for 45 years of your life? I don't think so!

Now compare what Kleeneze can give you if you are prepared to get stuck in for 3 - 5 years. The hardest work is in the first 2 - 3 years when you are building your team. Sponsoring people into your business and showing them how to earn an income by retailing & team building leverages your time and in time you will create a residual income. It is not unusual for a distributor who has worked at the business for 5 years and built a team to be earning a four weekly income of £2000+ and there are examples of people earning £5000 every four weeks and substantially more. Take for example this article that appeared in the Surrey Advertiser about a lady who earns over £120,000  a year.

Please visit for more details on becoming a Kleeneze distributor.

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