Many people join a network marketing business such as Kleeneze to earn an extra income, typically £50 per week, alongside their job, so that they can pay off some bills, save for a holiday or a car etc.
However that decision changes for most people once they have been to a few meetings/trainings and have had the opportunity to meet some of the networks top earners, and they then see it as the opportunity to build a residual income and to take ownership of their life.
Network Marketing is about people helping people, if you help enough people to achieve what they want, then you will achieve what you want. This is the basic concept behind earning a residual income. To create a significant residual income from your Kleeneze business you first need to make progress in the sales plan to Gold distributor level, which will provide you a four weekly income of around £1000 but can be significantly more. Here is our cheque when we qualified at the Gold level:
At the Gold level, depending on the structure of your business, you will already have an element of residual earnings, however by helping just two of your team up to the Gold level, you will have cemented and increased your residual income significantly, and earnings of £2500+ every four weeks are typical. And all this can be done very much in your spare time around a job.
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