Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Fight for graduate jobs 'hits record high' in the UK

A report on the BBC website says that graduates in the UK are facing record competition for jobs - with an average of 83 applying for every vacancy - but the market is continuing to improve, a survey suggests.
Average applications per vacancy have risen from 69 in 2010, 49 in 2009 and 31 in 2008, the Association of Graduate Recruiters (AGR) said.
Click here to read the full report.

This is just another indication of the desperate state of the UK economy. Well known high street shops such as Habitat, Jane Norman, HMV, Thorntons, are struggling to keep going or have already gone into administration. The mortgage market is expected to remain flat over the coming months.

Our Kleeneze business on the other hand is going from strength to strength, we have shown a 100% increase in sales over a four week period recently which was the result of simply doing a little bit more. We are also on track for another 25% increase in the current four week period.

Kleeneze is a very simple business to operate, with our help and support you too could be earning an extra income that will help you to achieve what you need, whether it be a bit extra to help pay the bills, a holiday, xmas, or longer term goals like a new car, new house, or to quit the rat race altogether.

Perhaps you know someone in the UK, Ireland, Holland or Germany over the age of 18 who needs an extra income, or change of direction, if so please direct them to the "Request Information" button at the top of this blog.

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