Sunday, 20 February 2011

Are You An Unemployed 18 - 24 Year Old ?

How sad it is that youth unemployment in the UK has reached record levels as reported in the article below recently.

Young people are being "shunted into the sidelines" as they face a growing threat of unemployment, a business group has warned. Andrew Cave, from the Federation of Small Businesses, said the future looked gloomy for the young unemployed.
The latest figures showed youth unemployment rose to a fresh record high, with more than one in five 16 to 24-year-olds out of work.
Prime Minister David Cameron said the figure was a matter of "great regret".
The latest official statistics showed that youth unemployment rose by 66,000 to 965,000 in the three months to the end of December, the highest level since comparable records began in 1992.
The youth unemployment rate was 20.5%, compared with a general unemployment rate of 7.9%.
Mr Cave said that the figures, which extended the record numbers recorded a month earlier, were "devastating" for young people.
"It is quite clear that there is a two-track economy opening up," he said.
"We are hearing that big business and the banks are returning to profit, but small business and particularly young people are being shunted into the sidelines to a certain extent."

What must it be like to be young and out of work ? Our young people are the future of our country and should be helped and encouraged to find a career path, but it seems that this government are just not interested in the youth of today! Is this just another example that the traditional job world as we know it is dying out ?
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