Friday, 18 February 2011

Kleeneze - Effective Retailing Pt 2

Further to my blog post yesterday, here is the second part of our guide to effective retailing:

Organisation – If you are not organised there is no way you will retail effectively, so you need to get organised,

Catalogues – You need to work with the right number of catalogues - 250 that’s so important.You will lose some everyone does, so remembering what was said before about replacing tatty ones you need to plan ahead and always have a top up box in hand, otherwise you will put out 230 the next week, then you lose a few more and before you know it you have only got 200 catalogues to put out. You will only retail effectively if you consistently put out 250 catalogues week after week. And by working with 250 catalogues you should reach the Fast Start Bonus in your first full period and qualify for a free box of catalogues.

Work a consistent 4 or 5 week cycle, your customers will get used to seeing your catalogues every few weeks, and you will reap the benefits with regular orders.

You need to keep records of who your customers are, how else will you remember where to go back to in 4/5 weeks time.
We use round books, they are an invaluable tool for recording all the information about your customers.

It would be interesting to hear from other Kleeneze distributors with their own effective retailing tips.... please feel free to comment.

Read all about the Kleeneze Home Based Business Opportunity at &
To contact us call 01933 698414 (24hrs) Text “Sack” to 07947 829479

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