The third and final section of our guide to retailing effectively covers Customer service – a very very important part of retailing effectively – we have all been into shops and walked out because of poor service, long queues in supermarkets etc so give your customers the very best service you can, you need to stand head and shoulders above your competition.
You need to give your customers the best possible service so that they remain your customers, and don’t start ordering from another distributor. You have worked hard to get them so you need to work hard to keep them.
Here’s how we do it.
Use the day slip – They were designed for a reason, to give information to your customers, don’t forget to put your phone number at the bottom.
Collect on the right day, if the day slip says collect Monday, then collect Monday. When the customer goes out to work on a Tuesday morning and your catalogue is still on the step they will think “waste of time”
So create a good impression and collect on the right day.
Similarly use the Thank you slip when you pick up an order, it does two things, one it lets your customer know that you have collected their order, and two it tells them when you will be delivering it.
Make sure you deliver on the day stated on the slip. Its all about good customer service.
Again make sure your phone number is on the slip, so the customer can get hold of you if they need to. We get at least one call every week asking if we can deliver the next day as they are going out. We also get customers phoning us with orders, so make sure your phone number is known by all your customers. Put it on all the slips.
Deliver the order in a Kleeneze bag, if an item is out of stock let the customer know that you will reorder it and deliver it the next week, in our case on a Saturday, as that’s when we always deliver our orders.
We put a little bag containing two sweets in with all our deliveries, it also includes a note that simply says thank you for your order, followed by our name and phone number.
Make sure you have got plenty of change, wear your Kleeneze badge, be courteous, have a smile on your face, chat to your customers, get to know them, for some you will be the only friendly face they will see that day, so let them tell you about all their aches and pains, say thank you, so important, thank you for your order Mrs Jones, don’t cut across the grass, shut the gate on your way out. Your customers are your life blood so look after them and they will reward you with their loyalty.
Read all about the Kleeneze Home Based Business Opportunity at &
To contact us call 01933 698414 (24hrs) Text “Sack” to 07947 829479
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